Whether you’re new to canning or have been doing it for years, this 5-Piece Home Canning Kit is the perfect set for you. It features all of the basic tools needed to preserve your foods safely and easily. It includes the following:
Jar Brush to make sure your jars are impeccably clean.
Jar Funnel which fits perfectly inside any wide or regular mouth canning jar, keeping food or liquid from contaminating the jar rim.
Magnetic Lid Lifter that also doubles as a bubble remover.
Jar Lifter to protect your hands from the hot jars and also keeps you from accidentally breaking the lid's seal when moving your jars.
Jar Wrench for easy tightening and removal of canning lids.
The only thing missing is the 2 cup measuring cup, which can either be bought separately or as part of the other 5 piece kit we offer (which substitutes the measuring cup for the Jar Wrench).
Victorio began in 1937 in order to sell its famous food strainer. Over the decades it expanded its product line to cater to those interested in the process of home canning and its necessary equipment. It has since rebranded to VKP Brands to reflect the wide range of kitchen products and brands that it sells, including 'Roots & Branches', 'Time for Treats', The 'Johnny Apple Peeler' and 'Kitchen Crop', among many other brands.